Category: Star Trek
Star Trek: Picard – The Ships of the Fleet Museum
In The Bounty on Star Trek: Picard, Admiral Picard leads the skeleton crew of the USS Titan-A to Athan Prime where the Fleet Museum orbits the planet. This museum is actually the old Spacedock that will be quite familiar to Star Trek fans. This Article Has Been Updated With New Information From Dave Blass! The…
Two Captains Log: Star Trek: Picard – S3E6 – “The Bounty” Review
It’s time again for Star Trek: Picard and this was quite the episode (but I might be repeating myself). The Titan is outrunning Starfleet and also lets Worf and Raffi aboard. Crusher reveals to Picard a test run on Jack reveals Irumodic Syndrome is present in him, and he could have years or just months.…
A Question From ‘Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home’ is Answered in ‘Star Trek: Picard’
In Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home, Admiral Kirk and crew save Earth by going back in time and saving two humpback whales named George and Gracie and bringing them to the future to repopulate the species. This comes after a probe comes looking for the long-gone species and its search threatens to make the…
Synopsis And Photos Released For ‘The Bounty’ Episode 306 of ‘Star Trek: Picard’
Star Trek: Picard continues to take Admiral Picard, Captain Riker, and company on an adventure that has surprising moments on a weekly basis. This week, the series enters the second half of its final season and the stakes couldn’t be higher. Ahead of the next episode’s arrival on March 23, 2023, a synopsis has been…
Two Captains Log: Star Trek Picard – S3E5 – “Imposters”
It’s time again for a look at Star Trek Picard with a doozy of an episode. The Titan is heading back to Starfleet, but Captain Shaw has already contacted them. The Intrepid intercepts them in order to question Picard and Riker. Meanwhile, Worf and Raffi find the mastermind behind the theft of in Daystrom. In…
How The USS Titan Became the USS Titan-A as Seen in ‘Star Trek: Picard’
Ahead of the arrival of season three of Star Trek: Picard, an official log was released with the history of the USS Titan. This took a look at the history of the ships in Starfleet that carried the name of Titan. Showrunner Terry Matalas also shared how the USS Titan NCC-80102-A came to be as…
Synopsis and Photos Released For ‘Imposters’ Episode 305 of ‘Star Trek: Picard’
Things continue to get more interesting and more intense with each episode of Star Trek: Picard. Ahead of the arrival of this week’s episode, Imposters, a synopsis, photos, and clip have been released. This marks the halfway point of the third and final season of Star Trek: Picard. This episode is written by Cindy Appel &…
Two Captains’ Log: Star Trek Picard S3E4 – No Win Scenario
It’s time again for the weekly look at Star Trek Picard. In “No Win Scenario,” the Titan is dealing with free falling into a gravitational well. Riker and Picard make up after a brief argument that resulted in the free fall. Riker also discusses with Seven of Nine how to flush out the changeling that…
The Fifth and Final Season of ‘Star Trek: Discovery’ To Debut in Early 2024
The fifth and final season of Star Trek: Discovery will be arriving on Paramount+ in early 2024. The Star Trek series which warped onto people’s screens in 2017. It was the first Star Trek series to be released since the end of Star Trek: Enterprise. This last season will find Captain Michael Burnham and the…
Synopsis And Photos Released For ‘17 Seconds’ Episode 303 Of ‘Star Trek: Picard’
The synopsis and photos for episode 303 of Star Trek: Picard have been released ahead of the episode’s arrival on Paramount+ on Thursday. Called 17 Seconds, this is the third episode of the final season of Picard. Check out both the synopsis and photos for this week’s episode below. 17 Seconds was written by Jane…
Two Captains Log – Star Trek: Picard S3E2 – ‘Disengage’
Here we are with another episode of Picard and continuing the voyages of the crew of the Enterprise-D. Jack Crusher, Picard, and Riker are faced with a bounty hunter that tries to kidnap Crusher. Seven of Nine convinces Captain Shaw to go rescue the group from their adversaries. In the nick of time the group…
Synopsis and Photos Released for ‘Disengage’ Episode 302 of ‘Star Trek: Picard
The synopsis and preview photos for the second episode of the final season of Star Trek: Picard have been released ahead of the arrival of Disengage on Paramount+ on Thursday February 23, 2023. Disengage was written by Christopher Monfette & Sean Tretta, and directed by Doug Aarniokoski. Synopsis Aided by Seven of Nine and the…
The USS Titan-A: How This ‘Star Trek: Picard’ Ship Came To Be
The hero ship of Star Trek: Picard is not the USS Enterprise this time around. Instead, the former crew of the Enterprise-D are being seen on the USS Titan-A. This is a Constitution III or Neo-Constitution Class Starship. Its predecessor, the USS Titan, was the ship that Captain William Riker commanded. The ship is a…
Two Captains Log: Star Trek Picard S3E1- ‘The Next Generation’
The long awaited third season of Star Trek: Picard is here! The Next Generation crew is back, and with some other familiar faces as well. The episode begins with Beverley Crusher being attacked on her vessel. She sends an encrypted message to Admiral Picard, who then meets up with Captain Riker to figure out more…
Wil Wheaton Goes on Deep Dive into Final Season of ‘Star Trek: Picard’ Ahead of Debut
Ahead of the final season of Star Trek: Picard and the return of the crew of the Enterprise-D for one final mission, Wil Wheaton is hosting a very special deep dive into this upcoming season. This includes moments with the cast and crew of Picard and also a look at the season. During this special…
USS Titan Starship Profile Released Ahead of Season 3 of ‘Star Trek: Picard’ Debut
Star Trek: Picard arrives on Paramount+ on February 16, 2023. When it does, the hero ship of this season if the USS-Titan A. This is the third ship to carry the name Titan. Today, Star Trek released a profile on this ship that was once captained by Will Riker. It also reveals that the original…
More Photos and More Details Released for Final Season of ‘Star Trek: Picard’
It is just a week until the final season of Star Trek: Picard arrives on Paramount+. Ahead of its arrival, showrunner Terry Matalas stopped by and chatted with Entertainment Weekly. Along with sharing more about the final season of the series, new photos were also released with the main cast onboard the USS Titan-A. During…
The Bridge Crew of the USS Titan for Season Three of Star Trek: Picard Introduced
Star Trek: Picard season three showrunner Terry Matalas has introduced the world to the bridge crew of the USS Titan (or technically the USS Titan-A). This ship will be the hero ship of this upcoming and final season of Picard. In a Twitter thread, Matalas took a tour around the bridge and shared a little…
New Trailer and Synopsis Released for Final Season of ‘Star Trek: Picard’
Over the weekend, a new trailer was released for Star Trek: Picard’s third and final season. With this trailer also came a new synopsis and poster for the season. It appears that the stakes couldn’t be higher for the former crew of Enterprise-D as they face off against a new foe, possibly with some new…
‘Star Trek: Picard’ Season Three Might Not Be the End of the Line for Admiral Picard
For quite some time now it has been said that Star Trek: Picard is a three-season series that will be done at the end of the third season. Recently, there has been discussion of different stories that could be told that would act as offshoots of Picard and continue the story with other characters in…