Category: Theme Parks, Experiences and Products Guides
Cloth Diapering At Disney
Since the moment I found out I was pregnant, one of the few things I was sure I was going to do was cloth diaper my son (and all future kids). I am a total cheapskate (thanks mom) and I was not about to be paying a bazillion dollars every week for diapers and wipes…
Going To Disney With A Baby
For those of you that don’t know, Disney is in my blood. I was born at Orange County Hospital down the street, I went as a kid all the time, my fiance proposed to me as Disneyland and we Honeymooned at Disney World where we made our son (Bow-chicka-bow-wow!) Anyway, so we just couldn’t wait…
Everything You Need to Know about Disneyland's New Fantasmic! Fastpass/Reserved Viewing & Dining Packages!
Starting December 12 at the Disneyland Resort, the nighttime show of Fantasmic! will begin offering reserved viewing options and a variety delicious dining packages. Here is what can be expected. Reserved Viewing Reserved viewing for Fantasmic! will utilize the FASTPASS system. Similar to that of World of Color’s viewing system over at Disney California Adventure Park, here…
Annual Passports: Is it worth investing in when living outside Southern California?
By Joyce Kessel Many of our Disney friends living in the general vicinity of the Disneyland Resort take advantage of the Disney Annual Passports. Is it worth the investment for those of us living in neighboring states, such as Arizona? My answer is yes, but let me share my insight, and you decide if the…
Where’s Mickey Mouse? How to Find the Big Cheese at the Disneyland Resort!
When visiting the Disneyland Resort, it is definitely important to meet the big cheese. After all, what a trip to Disneyland be without a photo with Mickey Mouse? Or perhaps you don’t want to be next to Mickey but at least get to see him. Here are a few options for you as you proceed on…
Disneyland Renews Commitment to Guests With Disabilities – DAPs Tips
There has been a lot of speculation and concern about upcoming changes to the Guest Assistance Card that is to be replaced with a new system on October 9, 2013. The abuse of the system has been generally recognized by both cast members and regular visitors to the Disneyland Resort but was brought to the…
International Talk Like a Pirate Day: How to Talk Like a Pirate
Today is International Talk Like a Pirate Day. This is the day where people celebrate that a bunch of scurvy rats who once terrorized the seas by speaking like them. Beyond the fact that pirates most likely were not nice people (have you actually listened to the lyrics of “Yo Ho (A Pirate’s Life for…
Long Lost Friends Limited Time Magic is Back! Here’s What You Need to Know.
Today marked the return of Long Lost Friends to the Disneyland Resort as a part of Limited Time Magic. They can be found at the Big Thunder Ranch Jamboree daily for this week only (August 19-25, 2013). This celebration of Long Lost Friends has some returning characters, along with some other lost friends. Here is…
Surviving Disneyland in the Heat
This weekend the weather is expected to be quite warm around the Disneyland Resort. Temperatures should be in the mid to upper nineties throughout the weekend. Couple this with the fact that there is quite a bit of cement around Disneyland and Disney California Adventure; guests can expect to be hot this weekend. Tips for…
The Joy of Standing in Line
When people recount a trip to Disneyland they usually have plenty to say about their favorite rides, restaurants, and shows, yet very little love is given to the one activity that takes up more time than any other. Why is there no love for standing in line? Admit it, no matter how many fast-passes you…