Category: Photography

  • Ariel in Black and White

      I belong to a photo challenge club/website where we are given a theme for photos each week. This week was announced today and the theme is black and white. Normally for these things, it is just one photo for the week that you post. However, I thought it could be fun to do a…

  • She's Sleeping Beauty But She's Awake

      One of the most uncomfortable things for me as an amateur photographer also happens to make for the best pictures. It makes me insanely uncomfortable when someone I am taking a photo of looks directly into the lens. I guess I like to think that as a photographer I’m just another hole in the…

  • Happy 4th of July!

      Happy 4th of July! This has always been one of my favorite holidays. My family has always been quite patriotic. As kids Independence Day would always involve a BBQ at my grandparents’ house followed by going down to the riverfront in Portland, OR to see the fireworks. As we moved about growing up, the…

  • Mr. DAPs Photos of the Day from the Past

    Some of you may noticed that there have been some glitches on DAPs Magic. This has been a bit of a headache for me as over the last few years I’ve been posting photos on this blog that I have taken. Sadly, many of these posts have disappeared. Thankfully, we still have most of the…

  • SS Palo Alto

    There are few things that inspire the imagination more than abandoned and decrepit buildings, theme parks, and ships. Or in this case, a shipwreck. The SS Palo Alto can be found at the Seacliff State Beach. She was once a cement ship built to be a tanker for World War I. Towards the end of her…

  • A Sunset for the Birds

    The other night we wandered down to Seacliff State Beach. It is one of my favorite locations in the Santa Cruz area because of an old ship that rests in peace there. It has become a home for birds and sea lions mainly and is a great place to take some photographs. Imagine our surprise…

  • My Photo on the Santa Cruz Wharf

    My Photo on the Santa Cruz Wharf

    Several months ago I was contacted by a woman representing a group pulling together an exhibit for the 100th anniversary of the Santa Cruz Wharf. They asked if they could feature one of my pictures for their celebration and I gladly complied. While up in Santa Cruz this last weekend, I stopped by the wharf…

  • A Broken Fence

    Some images evoke poetry. This scene is one of those. It is an old decrepit fence that has been standing here for who knows how long. However, every time I see it I find myself reaching for a camera. There is something beautiful about it as it falls apart. It reminds me of Robert Frost…

  • A Fence and Flowers

    This morning I decided to take a walk around the neighborhood I’m visiting this weekend. As I was wondering around I found this delightful fence with these flowers growing around it. It just seemed too perfect to not take a photo of so I did…and then I took some more…and more…. I’m sure you can…

  • Her Majestic Majesty

    Grace, beauty, majesty, oh… and and then there is that evil thing. Whatever you think of the Evil Queen, she is a fun person to photograph at Disneyland. You never know what she will say (to kids or adults alike) or what will come next. On the day I took this picture she could be…

  • You Want Thingamabobs?

    You want thingamabobs? We sure do… You may have noticed there have been a few weird things going on with the DAPs Magic websites. We had a bit of a database failure and so we are now in process of reconstructing as much of everything as we can. Sadly, this photoblog appears to be unrecoverable…

  • Zoot!

    Quite often on Sundays we take a few minutes to stop by Buena Vista Street in Disney California Adventure to watch Five and Dime. This fun and jazzy show is one of my favorite bits of entertainment that is found in Disney California Adventure and rarely do I miss it on the weekend.  This moment…