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Shanghai Disneyland Closing Again Just Days After Reopening

Just days after reopening, Shanghai Disneyland is closing its gates once again on November 29, 2022. This comes as the COVID-19 pandemic continues to cause disruptions to life in Shanghai. This, in turn, is causing operational challenges for Shanghai Disney Resort. At this time, only Shanghai Disneyland is closing. Disneytown, Wishing Star Park, and the two hotels at Shanghai Disney Resort will be remaining open. At this time, a reopening date for Shanghai Disneyland is not known.

Shanghai Disneyland and Shanghai Disney Resort have opened and closed multiple times since the pandemic first struck in early 2020. The park had just reopened on November 25, 2022. It had also announced a new “Disney Winter Frostival.” The news was shared via a post on the Shanghai Disney Resort website. The entire post can be seen here:

Important notice from Shanghai Disney Resort

According to the requirements of epidemic prevention and control, Shanghai Disneyland will be temporarily closed from November 29, 2022 (Tuesday). Once the resumption of operations is confirmed, we will inform you in time.
Disneytown, Wishing Star Park and the two resort-themed hotels will continue to operate.
We apologize to all travelers who were affected during this time! We will provide you with refund and change services for park tickets.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!

Shanghai Disney Resort Ticket Refund Rules
on November 29, 2022 About Park Tickets Passengers who hold tickets for Shanghai Disneyland during the closing period on and/or after November 29, 2022, can go to Shanghai Disneyland for six days after the resumption of operations. Choose one day within the month to visit Shanghai Disneyland. When visiting, visitors can present the original ID card or original travel document used when purchasing the original park ticket at the park entrance gate to exchange for the same-day ticket, no need to make an appointment in advance*. (The exchanged day ticket only includes the park ticket, and does not include other benefits previously bound to the ticket. If the original ticket product you purchased contains other benefits, such as dining vouchers, etc., you can choose to make the entire order through the original purchase channel Refunds.) Refunds are available for tourists who are unable to visit within the next six months for any reason. Tourists who purchased tickets through Shanghai Disney Resort official website, app, WeChat official account, Shanghai Disney Resort Reservation Service Center, resort Fliggy official flagship store or official flagship store can submit refund application through Shanghai Disney Resort official app , the refund will be returned to the original payment account within 45 working days. Tourists who purchased tickets through other official channels, please contact the original ticket purchase channel for a refund, or refer to the guidelines at the end of this notice for consultation. About other resort designated day products and services

Purchased through the Shanghai Disney Resort official website, App, WeChat official account, Shanghai Disney Resort Reservation Service Center, Resort Fliggy Official Flagship Store or Official Flagship Store During the closed period on and/or after November 29, 2022 Shanghai Visitors to Disneyland’s Disney Privilege Card, Disney Concierge Service, catering coupons and other designated daily products and services will be automatically refunded from the original purchase channel. Tourists who have purchased other designated daily products and services through other official channels, please contact the original purchase channel to apply for a refund.
The two hotels in Shanghai Disney Resort are currently operating normally, but we understand that some tourists may need to change their travel plans. Tourists who have booked Shanghai Disney Resort hotels on and/or after November 29, 2022 can contact the original purchase channel for consultation.
Shanghai Disneyland Annual Pass
We will extend the validity period of annual passes that are still valid on and after November 29, 2022, and will communicate with annual pass users in a timely manner.
Still have questions or need to contact us?
Tourists can contact Shanghai Disney Resort Reservation Service Center: 400-180-0000 (Mainland China) or +86-21-3158-0000 (other countries/regions) for consultation. If there are many calls from the service center and the waiting time is long, we suggest that you send an email to, leaving your phone number and other contact information, and we will process your email as soon as possible.
Thank you for your understanding!
*According to the current passenger flow management policy of Shanghai Disneyland, if there is a “big passenger flow day” under the maximum carrying capacity requirements based on government guidance, and relevant flow limiting measures must be taken, all tourists holding non-designated day tickets, including this time Tourists whose tickets are postponed may not be able to enter the park on the same day. Shanghai Disneyland will release relevant information in a timely manner.

Epidemic Prevention Requirements
Shanghai Disney Resort continues to strictly implement the epidemic prevention and control requirements, and adopts the latest operational measures in accordance with the guidance of relevant government departments. A safe and joyful play environment is inseparable from every tourist’s active cooperation and strict compliance with the epidemic prevention and control measures, and together with the cast and crew of the resort to create a healthy and comfortable tourist experience.
-According to the latest requirements of the epidemic prevention and control department, starting from November 29, 2022, all tourists entering Disney Town, Wishing Star Park and Blue Sky Avenue must show a negative nucleic acid test certificate within 48 hours; enter the two themed hotels in the resort Visitors must present a negative nucleic acid test certificate within 72 hours. If they want to enter restaurants, retail stores and leisure and entertainment facilities in the hotel, they must show a negative nucleic acid test certificate within 48 hours (all are based on the time when the nucleic acid test report is issued). 3 years old The following infants and young children and other special groups are exempted from checking the negative nucleic acid test certificate. We strongly recommend that tourists register and apply for a “Suishen Code” in the “Suishenban” App, “Suishenban” WeChat Mini Program or “Suishenban” Alipay Mini Program before arriving at the resort to ensure that they can enter the resort smoothly. Tourists without smartphones (including the elderly and children) can apply for the “relative application code” through the accompanying relatives on these platforms, and tourists who meet the application requirements can also apply for the paper version online through the “One Net Service” platform Offline “Sui Shen Code”.
Tourists who use the offline “Suishen Code” must present their original valid identity documents at the same time, and can only enter after the cast member scans the offline “Suishen Code” and checks a valid nucleic acid test certificate ; Those who will be in Shanghai must strictly follow the “Working Measures for Further Strengthening the Health Management of People Coming to Shanghai and Returning to Shanghai” issued by the Office of the Leading Group for Epidemic Prevention and Control in Shanghai on November 22, 2022. Based on the latest measures, tourists who come to Shanghai and return to Shanghai for less than 5 days and plan to visit Shanghai Disney Resort:
1. Can visit the public areas of Disney Town, but cannot enter the indoor restaurants or retail stores of the town; Order and pack food at the entrance of the restaurant;
2. You can visit and stay in the two theme hotels in the resort, but you cannot enter the hotel’s restaurants, retail stores and leisure and entertainment facilities, including swimming pools, gyms, and game rooms. Tourists can choose room service through room service;
3. Cannot participate in banquet activities held in hotels in the resort.
We remind all tourists that it is their responsibility to keep abreast of the latest epidemic prevention and control measures issued by relevant government departments and strictly follow all relevant requirements.

According to government requirements, if a tourist holds a red “Suishen Code”, neither the tourist nor his companions can enter Shanghai Disney Resort;
– When entering Shanghai Disney Resort, all tourists must scan the “Venue Code” and report The staff can show the green code, or show the “Suishen Code” to be scanned by the cast and crew to verify the valid information. When entering different areas of the resort, tourists may also need to scan the “site code” of the relevant area (including but not limited to restaurants, theaters, etc.)
; The second edition) “requires that tourists who have lived abroad within 8 days before visiting or have lived in counties (cities, districts, and banners) with high domestic epidemic risks within 7 days before visiting are not allowed to enter Shanghai Disney Resort.
– Every time a tourist enters a hotel in Shanghai Disney Resort, everyone including the companions must hold a green “Suishen Code” and a negative nucleic acid test certificate within 72 hours and scan the “Venue Code”. Restaurants, retail stores, and leisure and entertainment facilities in the hotel must present a negative nucleic acid test certificate within 48 hours (both are based on the time when the nucleic acid test report is issued). Special groups such as infants and young children under the age of 3 are exempted from checking the negative nucleic acid test certificate.Tourists who have completed the scanning of the “Venue Code” and hold a green “Suishen Code” and a negative nucleic acid test certificate within 72 hours are allowed to enter the hotels in the resort. According to the epidemic prevention requirements of the government departments for places in the tourist accommodation industry, holding a negative nucleic acid test certificate within 72 hours is a must. Therefore, tourists who only hold a nucleic acid sampling certificate within 24 hours without a negative nucleic acid test certificate within 72 hours will not be able to Enter the resort hotel. When you check in at the front desk or the executive lounge, all staying guests must also show the green “communication big data itinerary card (itinerary card)” and fill in the “Travel Information Registration Form” truthfully. If you fail to complete the scanning of the “Venue Code”, fail to present the green “Suishen Code” and the negative nucleic acid test certificate within 72 hours, fail to present the green “Itinerary Card”, or arrive at the Shanghai Disney Resort Hotel within seven days from or If you pass through a high-risk area of ​​the new crown pneumonia epidemic in China, you may not be able to stay in a hotel in the resort. According to relevant government requirements, if you have fever during your stay or symptoms such as cough, sputum, runny nose, sore throat, chest pain and tightness accompanied by fever, you will be required to go to the fever clinic of the hospital for treatment.
-During the reopening period, all areas will operate with limited traffic; -All visitors
entering Shanghai Disney Resort must undergo temperature checks upon arrival; except when dining); – All visitors must strictly abide by the social distance requirements, and keep a safe distance from other tourists when queuing, watching outdoor performances or dining; – All visitors are encouraged to maintain good personal hygiene; – All cast members of Shanghai Disney Resort Staff, employees of Disney Town tenants, and third-party suppliers follow the guidelines of industry authorities to conduct regular nucleic acid testing, antigen testing, and body temperature testing and records; – The resort continues to strengthen sanitation and disinfection measures and increase the frequency of cleaning and disinfection.

Daps Magic will continue to follow this story and provide updates as they become available.