Tokyo Disney Resort opened with Tokyo Disneyland on April 15, 1983. Since then it has become a beloved Disney destination for Disney fans from around the world. In the Daps Magic guide pages for Tokyo Disney Resort, there are details about the parks and lands found throughout the Resort along with what is found inside of them. This includes information about the attractions, stores, restaurants, and more about each land. The details are supplemented with photos and videos as well as news for each area. If you have a question about anything specific at Tokyo Disney Resort, please let us know!
Tokyo Disney Resort Guides
Tokyo Disney News
VIDEOS: Walking Around Tokyo Disneyland on Reopening Day
Tokyo Disneyland Resort App Now Available on International App Stores
Tokyo Disney Resort Reopens as Fans Pour into Parks
Tokyo Disney Resort to Reopen on July 1st
Josh D’Amaro Lets Guests Know That ‘The Magic Is Returning’
Tokyo Disney Resort Reiterates Indefinite Closure as Japan Begins to Reopen
Ikspiari at Tokyo Disneyland Resort Set to Reopen on June 1
Tokyo Disney Resort to Continue to Remain Closed Indefinitely