Today is a rainy day at Disneyland and that is something I’m very thankful for. Rainy days at Disneyland are a rare treat for regular visitors to the Disneyland Resort. When they happen, an extra blanket of magic comes down on the resort. When they happen during the holiday season, there is even more magic as the water comes down out of the sky. Magical moments seem to appear out of nowhere. Whether it is a unique character experience, the piano player being inside at Coke Corner, a rainy day cavalcade, or a sudden downpour with people scrambling to get out of the rain, magic happens when the rain comes down.
Today was almost a rainy day during the holidays at the Disneyland Resort. There was rain, and there were Christmas decorations, but there wasn’t any Christmas music as of yet, however. That will begin on Friday. However, the rain came down and it was completely lovely. I spent an hour and a half livestreaming a walk around Disneyland. Throughout this walk, I didn’t provide narration. I just let the park be the park and the viewer experience the magic as I was. As I wandered around the park and tried to those watching at home a tour of as much of the park in the rain as possible.
As I wandered around in silence, I had plenty of time to experience the peacefulness of the rain coming down (most of the time, there were a few gusts where I almost lost my umbrella!) and just think about the day, the park, the experience, and how thankful I was for all of this. The parks were quieter as I made my way around them. The rain apparently did chase some people away. Many times I could hear the rain falling on my umbrella or on the water I was walking by. It was so peaceful and beautiful. One beautiful moment was watching the Mark Twain make its way around the Rivers of America in the rain. Such a beautiful thing to see and experience.
When it rains at Disneyland there is a calm and peacefulness that is simply beautiful. I love it. Add a dry seat with a cup of coffee under an umbrella where you can hear the rain come down but not be drenched and that is even better! I always wish there were more rainy days but I’m also thankful that there aren’t because I feel like I appreciate them that much more this way. So, I’ll simply enjoy the rainy days at Disneyland that I get and treasure them in my heart and memories.
Are you thankful for rainy days at Disneyland? If you are, what are you specifically thankful for? What do you like to do on a rainy day at the Happiest Place on Earth? Share your thankful thoughts in the comments below!