Ragtime Piano Returns to Coke Corner at Disneyland

The ragtime piano has returned to its pre-pandemic home at Coke Corner. While the piano has been in the park for quite some time, it has been up above the Coke Corner area in an enclosed area of Jolly Holiday.

On Friday, Ragtime Noel could be seen tickling the ivories of the ragtime piano at Coke Corner, also known as Refreshment Corner. The piano player at this location has been a longtime fixture on Main Street, USA. Through the years piano players like Rod Miller, Robert Glenn, and others have entertained thousands of guests who have stopped by the location.

This also was the home of musical chairs at one point with the Mad Hatter and Alice in Wonderland, with the piano player providing the music for the game. Quite often in the afternoons, there would be some zany games played next to the piano through the years. It is unknown at this time if or when that will be returning.

What do you think about the return of the ragtime piano to Coke Corner? Have you stopped by and enjoyed the music there? Share your thoughts, memories, and opinions in the comments below!