Disney Home Store Grand Opening Ceremony and Look Inside

Downtown Disney had a grand opening ceremony for the Disney Home store today.  A ribbon cutting ceremony opened the store with the Downtown Disney General Manager.  Before he came out to cut the ribbon, Disneyland Amabassador Alexa Garcia was also present to help with the ceremony.

The store is a bit of a new concept for the Disneyland Resort.  In the parks and at World of Disney had been the only spot to find home goods.  This is a one stop place for dish ware and kitchen utensils for Disney fans.  Also, it will serve as inspiration for how people can decorate their homes with Disney inspired products.

Inside there are great displays of home products from picture frames to throw pillows.  There really are some great ideas for the Disney home, and a wonderful selection of items to put in the home.

Disney Home also helps alleviate World of Disney as that store undergoes a big refurbishment.  Its entrance by Starbucks is now closed with that wing blocked off to start the renovation.

Here are some photos of the inside of the Disney Home store.  What do you think of the new store?  Let us know in comments below!