ROCK4CHOC - #ShaveTheBeard

The Beard is Shaved After Successful #ROCK4CHOC Raises Money for CHOC Walk in the Park!

This last week #ROCK4CHOC was held to raise money for CHOC Walk in the Park. This event raised thousands for the Children’s Hospital of Orange County. It also raised enough to bump team DAPs Magic past the magic number needed to shave Cameron’s beard. This beard was a self-proclaimed glorious beard, if you asked Cameron Jackson. It no longer is. At the time of this posting, team DAPs Magic has raised over $6,000. The team continues to raise money for this very special cause. You can donate at


DAPs Magic would like to thank the following for their support of #ShaveTheBeard and ROCK4CHOC:

  • Children’s Hospital of Orange County
  • Shepherd’s Grove | Hour of Power with Bobby Schuller
  • Barbeer Anaheim
  • Johnny B Haircare
  • Krazy Kirk and the Hillbillies
  • 3D Likeables
  • 501st Legion

Join us on Sunday August 27th on DAPs Magic’s various social media as we walk through the Disneyland Resort for CHOC Walk. If you can’t join Team DAPs, Mr. DAPs and DAPs Magic will also be hosting the official livestream of the opening ceremony on the CHOC Walk in the Park facebook.

See you in the park!