Disney Infinity Force Awakens Civil War - Geeks Corner - Episode 448

Disney Infinity Force Awakens Civil War – Geeks Corner – Episode 448

Kermit and Denise - The Muppet on ABC
Kermit and Denise – The Muppet on ABC

Welcome to Geeks Corner! This week there is a TON of information to cover. A lot of it revolves around Star Wars news but that isn’t the only thing. Kermit the Frog apparently has a new girlfriend… or not. He’s claiming that they are just good friends but all evidence is to the contrary. Obviously, this needs to be discussed by the likes of People and Time Magazine so Geeks Corner should chime in as well.

On the flip side, Miss Piggy and Liam Hemsworth seem to be having a lot of fun together… What do you think of these developments?

Spent Friday with the most beautiful girl in the world. Kermit, #SorryNotSorry. #TheMuppets #misspiggy

A photo posted by Liam Hemsworth (@liamhemsworth) on

There is a lot of other things going on in the world of Geeks Corner as well. Here are a few of the other things that was covered this week:

Disney in the News

Geek News

Halloween is Coming

We hope you enjoyed this week’s episode of Geeks Corner! Please take a moment to subscribe, share, and comment! We love your feedback!

Let’s go to the corner!

Disney Infinity Force Awakens Civil War - Geeks Corner - Episode 448
Disney Infinity Force Awakens Civil War – Geeks Corner – Episode 448