Tag: Chaz Stories

  • Remembering Disneyland 55 Years Ago

    Remembering Disneyland 55 Years Ago

    As I look back over my 68 years on this earth, I think of three experiences that profoundly and forever changed my reality of entertainment.  The first was in 1964 when I was eight years old. We were visiting my Aunt Susie in Alexandria, Virginia and I came down sick. I remember the doctor coming…

  • View Master Memories

    View Master Memories

    Do you recognize this? If you are anywhere near my age, I’m guess you do. Today in this Chaz Story we’re going to take a step back in time to remember this childhood toy that transported us to beautiful lands and happy adventures from the comforts of home. This is, of course my old View…

  • Tokyo Disney Celebration Hotel

    Tokyo Disney Celebration Hotel

    There really are two anticipation stories in any Disneyland vacation trip. The first happens on the journey — the exciting anticipation of arriving at the hotel the night before. The second, of course, is the anticipation of and preparations the night before for that next magical day at Disneyland (or, in this case, Tokyo Disneyland).…

  • The Friendliest Place on Earth

    The Friendliest Place on Earth

    If Disneyland is “The Happiest Place on Earth,” of course, Tokyo Disneyland (and/or nearby Disney Sea) surely must be Friendliest. Hands down. Or, perhaps more appropriately, hands up. It’s a sunny, comfortable morning and we are in a new place in a foreign country. They speak a language I cannot understand. For the most part,…