Two Captains Log: Star Trek: Discovery S5E9 – “Lagrange Point” Review

With one more episode to go, Discovery has reached the ship with the Progenitor’s tech portal and must take it back from the Breen. The only way to do so is to beam aboard, attach a transporting device to it, and lower the shields to get out. Burnham, Booker, Commander Rhys, and Ensign Adira are all going aboard disguised as Breen. Rayner and Discovery stay cloaked and learn from Starfleet that another Primark is on their way to seize control. At Federation HQ, the president, T’Rina, and Saru discuss trying to negotiate with the Primark. Saru volunteers on a near suicide mission aboard a shuttle to stop this new Breen from attacking.

Meanwhile, Moll keeps sending Breen soldiers into the Progenitor portal, but they don’t ever come out. Burnham and Booker make it to the area with the portal, but get caught putting a device on it. Rhys and Adira reach the shields, and Discovery comes up with a plan to rescue them all. They are going to ram through a field to open space and have the portal sucked out while beaming the rest onboard. With Adira lowering shields, it is all working, but Moll enters into the portal last minute. With that, Captain Burnham goes through as well, and Discovery must now keep the portal safe while they investigate.

Here’s our thoughts on this week’s episode!


Mr. Daps: “I have to agree with Murray. I’m just not a fan of the music for Discovery. It’s not doing any harm but its also not hitting any home runs either. There was a lot of missed opportunity for the music, especially with this episode.”

Murray: “I know we sound like broken records saying the music doesn’t stand out, but I was hoping it would happen this episode. The music wasn’t bad, but I think there was opportunity for some fun themes throughout, or even epic music, and it wasn’t quite there.”


Mr. Daps: “This week’s design was kind of fun. It was cool to see more of how the Breen work in their suits, their ship, and even more of their culture. I did find myself comparing the interior helmet scenes with Iron Man a few times during this episode. Overall, the design was very enjoyable this week.”

Murray: “Seeing more of the Breen ship was quite interesting. It really created depth for this race of humanoids. I also liked the subtle officer designation emblems that were pointed out. It was a great way to highlight those designs for the Breen. The HUDs for the away team’s helmets were very fun. I chuckled at the split screens between each of them a couple times, and made for a nice touch in this type of episode.”


Mr. Daps: “This week’s episode was a very enjoyable one. It was a bit predictable but that isn’t a bad thing. It was exciting, it moved forward, it added to the overall storyline of the season, and it definitely had high stakes. This was probably my favorite storyline of the season so far.”

Murray: “I would describe this episode as a Star Trek heist. It’s a mission with high stakes and they had to pick just the right crew to get it accomplished. Several things could go easily wrong too. It was essentially Star Trek’s way of stealing from a casino, and that is a lot of fun.”

Hit or Miss?

Mr. Daps: “This week was an easy hit. I found the episode enjoyable. I found myself rooting for the crew of Discovery. I also found myself feeling for the characters. All-in-all, this was one of the better Discovery episodes and it appears to be setting up the season and series to end on a high note. This could be a good thing for the show as fans prepare to say goodbye to it. I can’t wait to see what happens next week!”

Murray: “I keep saying fun throughout my reviews of each element of the episode, but that is a good way to describe it. It was a hit for me, but I might be biased because I like heist movies and shows. I like the high stakes with a detailed plan. And this did not disappoint. Plus, there were some great character interactions and some great character maturity in various parts. Overall, it’s a very good second to last episode.”