Star Wars Celebration Heading to Japan in 2025

On Monday April 10, 2023 Star Wars Celebration Europe 2023 wrapped up in in the U.K. During the closing ceremony the location and dates for the next Star Wars Celebration were revealed. The next Star Wars Celebration will be taking place from April 18-20, 2025 in Japan.

This is not the first time that Star Wars Celebration has been hosted in Japan. The last time, however, was all the way back in 2008. The event in 2025 will actually be hosted at the same place as the last time in 2008 as well, the Makuhari Messe. This is one of the largest convention centers in Japan. It is located just outside of Tokyo, in the Mihama-ku ward of Chiba City.

Star Wars Celebration is the biggest get together of Star Wars fans in the galaxy. It includes panels that unveil the future of Star Wars and others that celebrate its past. It is always full of Star Wars news, cosplay, exhibits, and a whole lot more. It is definitely something that shouldn’t be missed for Star Wars fans!

At this point, details about tickets have not been released yet. However, expect that to come in the not-so-distant future. Daps Magic will continue to follow this story and provide updates as they become available.

Are you excited about Star Wars Celebration Japan 2025? Will you be attending? Have you been to one before? What did you think of it? Share your thoughts and opinions in the comments below!