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Disneyland Legacy Pass Discount Extends to July 31

This week, Disneyland gave Legacy Passholders a new treat! The Disneyland Legacy Pass Discount has now been extended until July 31, when the previous end date was set for June 30.

This barcode is available on the Disneyland app in your ticket section, where you used to be able to find your annual pass barcode. Depending on what type of pass you had before COVID-19 hit, you will have the applicable discount for your former Annual Pass! This feature has been extremely helpful, especially when Avengers Campus opened and I was bringing home lots of merchandise!

I hope that we will see this Disneyland Legacy Pass discount extend until the new program is announced! Overall, I really love this benefit and while we can’t visit regularly without annual passes, this makes our visits to the Disneyland Resort that much sweeter.

What do you think of this extension? Be sure to connect with us on Twitter and Facebook to let us know what you think!