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A New Hope for Solo Sequel?

Could there be a new hope for a Solo sequel? Perhaps, but not a big one. Director Ron Howard recently gave fans a glimmer of hope for a sequel to the film with recent comments. While admittedly, he didn’t know anything of any sequel being in the works. His comments still give more hope for a sequel to Han Solo’s origin story than anything else that has been said publicly.

Recently on the LCB Podcast Howard was asked about the possibility of a Solo sequel or a series on Disney+ that focused on one of the characters from the film. While Howard didn’t make any news about anything that is officially happening… or unofficially happening. He still analyzed the response to the film as time goes by.

Howard said on a sequel or series, “No rumblings on it. This is not a spoiler, but I think there is interest in those characters. I think there’s interest in gangster world somewhere down the line. But I can assure you there is nothing being developed right now. Either for a movie or Disney+. But one great thing is there has been a lot of affection shown for Solo in its afterlife. And so of course that keeps boding well for them to eventually turn it around.”

Although there are a group of fans who would love to see the story of Han Solo or some of his companions get some more attention, at this time there doesn’t seem to be any indication that anything is happening officially. However, as long as it continues to be discussed there is always a chance. If the discussion grows loud enough, who knows what could happen. At this time though, other than a spark of hope that was given a little more fuel by Howard’s comments, Han Solo’s story is at a standstill.