DCSarah is starting a new segment and blog series on DAPs Magic called Disney Done Healthy offering ways to bring Disney into your healthy lifestyle. dapsmagic.com #DAPSFit #DisneyDoneHealthy #Disney

Disney Done Healthy: Getting Started

During these tough times, focusing on my health has given me a distraction from everything going on. This journey is different for everyone. For some, it’s losing weight. For others, it’s trying to run a half marathon. Regardless of what the end result is, there is one commonality for everyone trying to do something healthy: it gets tough. That’s why I thought it would be fun to create a new blog series called Disney Done Healthy which will focus on bringing a little Disney into your healthy lifestyle!

Just to be clear, I’m not a doctor or medical professional. In creating this Disney Done Healthy series I simply want to share what has worked for me and what has kept me encouraged. Before undertaking any diet or fitness plan, consult your doctor to make sure it’s safe!

Now that we’ve got that take care of, today we are going to talk about getting started. Aside from consulting your doctor to come up with a food and/or exercise plan, there are 2 parts to this: setting your goals and finding an app to help you.


Setting goals is one of the most important steps to take. In order to set yourself up for success, you need to come up with some manageable goals. This could be something like:

  • Drink more water
  • Eat more fruits and vegetables
  • Run a 5k
  • Exercise 3 times a week
  • Lose 5-10 lbs

The trick with these types of goals is to make it something you can actually accomplish within a short amount of time. After you finish that, you start on the next one. This strategy helps keep my motivation up.


To help achieve your goals, you may want a way to track your progress. Some people like bullet journals or notebooks, but I like using apps. Apps keep all of your tracking in one handy place like your phone or tablet. Some apps I use are:

  • MyFitnessPal- I use this to track my workouts and exercise. The app also shares healthy lifestyle articles and workout ideas.
  • MapMyRun- MapMyRun is a GPS app that tracks your runs to give you an accurate mileage and speed so that you can calculate how many calories you burned and your running pace. What I love about it, is that it connects to MyFitnessPal to log my runs.
  • C25K- Couch to 5k is a great app for those who are just getting into running. It helps you build your pace by using intervals of running/jogging and walking.

You’re probably wondering where all the Disney stuff is. It’s coming! I promise. This is the least Disney-centric blog of the series but rest assured, I’ve got plenty of Disney heading your way! What are some of your goals for your health? Let us know in the comments below or use the hashtag #DAPsFit! Check back tomorrow because we’ll be talking about Disney inspired fitness apparel!