Back to the 80s - DISNEY Reporter

Back to the 80s – DISNEY Reporter

Welcome to another edition of the DISNEY Reporter. Each week we deliver the top Disney and geek headlines as covered by DAPS MAGIC. This week there is a lot going on in news both locally and abroad. At Disneyland, fans dressed up in the 80s best for Disneyland After Dark: 80s Nite. Sporks are now on sale on Batuu also at the Happiest Place on Earth! And wrapping up the news from Batuu, John Williams won a Grammy for his Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge Symphonic Score.

Around the world, Hong Kong Disneyland has now closed due to health concerns around the coronavirus outbreak. This follows last week’s closure of the Shanghai Disney Resort. DAPS MAGIC will continue to monitor this story.

Finally in movie news, it appears that both Bambi and Pinocchio will be making their way to the screens with live-action retellings of these Disney classics. Robert Zemeckis has signed on to direct the remake of Pinocchio. There isn’t much known about these two films at this point but expect more details in the coming months.

Those are the top headlines for this week’s DISNEY Reporter! What do you think the top story of the week was? Let us know in the comments below! We’ll see you in the parks!

DISNEY Reporter Headlines