The Walt Disney Company Offers Concessions to European Commission For Fox Merger Approval

The Walt Disney Company continues to inch forward to merging with 21st Century Fox. The Walt Disney Company has reportedly offered concessions to the European Commission ahead of approval for its merger with Fox. r. The Commission has pushed its deadline to review the deal from October 19th to November 11th. Currently, the European Commission hasn’t revealed what the concessions are. However, they will be opened up for public comment at some point.

The Walt Disney Company has already won approval from the United States Justice Department. This was done by aggressing to sell 22 regional sports networks. On the Fox side of things, Peter Rice, president of 21st Century Fox and chairman-CEO of Fox Networks,  has said that the company will be ready for the acquisition on January 1st. The Walt Disney Company has already shared what the corporate structure will look like when the deal closes.

At this point, there is still no date for this deal to close. What do you think of this merger that will create a mega entertainment company? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!