Disneyland Celebrates 63 Years of Magic With 63 Disney Characters! (Photos and Videos)

On July 17, 2018, Disneyland celebrated its 63rd birthday. The birthday was celebrated with two cavalcades that made their way through the parade route at Disneyland. The two cavalcades took place at 2:50 and 5:25 pm. Each cavalcade had four stops along the parade route. The cavalcade was comprised of 63 characters, the omnibus, the Dapper Dans of Disneyland and the Disneyland Band director. At each stop, Walt Disney’s Disneyland dedication speech was played before a rendition of Happy Birthday was sung. Then the characters made a circle around the Omnibus allowing the guests in attendance the opportunity to see each character.

Disneyland’s 63rd Birthday Celebration Cavalcade with 63 Disney Characters at 2:50 pm


Disneyland’s 63rd Birthday Celebration Cavalcade with 63 Disney Characters at 5:25 pm

Disneyland originally opened on July 17, 1955. On opening day, there were 18 attractions. 63 years later Walt Disney’s dream has grown just beyond Disneyland. There are now Disney Theme Parks around the globe. Each is continuing the dream that Walt Disney brought to life 63 years ago.

What character of the 63 was your favorite to see during Disneyland’s 63rd birthday?

Disneyland’s 63rd Birthday Cavalcade with 63 Disney Characters Photo Gallery