With the opening of Pixar Pier this summer at Disney California Adventure, there also came several new food locations. These food offerings are themed around various Pixar stories and cover quite a range of tastes. From something quick to something a bit more substantial, there are different options to be found for just about everyone. DAPS MAGIC was on hand at the Pixar Pier media preview to review all of the options and give some guidance on what there is to taste and what some of the DAPS MAGIC team’s favorites were. Mr. DAPs and Murray went on a culinary expedition to try and review as much food at Pixar Pier is possible and now will share their thoughts with you. Mr. DAPs thoughts are in blue and Murray’s in green.
Angry Dogs
Angry Dogs offers two different types of hot dogs. One is spicy and one not so spicy. Both of these dogs were decent and filling. The spicy (angry because… Anger from Inside Out) had a nice kick but not too spicy. I found both of these hotdogs to be enjoyable. The spicy one I definitely was glad for my bottle of water though. This is a nice quick meal, especially if you don’t want to wait in line too long to eat. The theming of the venue is cute and appropriately themed to Anger from Inside Out. Each hotdog came with chips that matched the flavor of the hotdog.
I like spicy food, but not too spicy where it takes away from the experience of flavor. And, on a hot day spicy is not the best to have. The Angry Dog is not so spicy that it has those issues. It is a good amount of hot flavor for those looking for that type of fare. The Mildly Annoyed dog is flavorful with a good beef dog flavor, but not really spiced. I think these are great for not being traditional hot dogs and easy to grab on a possibly busy day.
Poultry Palace
Poultry Palace had one of my favorite bites of the day. It offers a box of chicken and coleslaw, a turkey leg, and also corn on the cob. We tried both the chicken box and turkey leg. The chicken legs were one of my favorite flavors of the day. They had a bit of spice but also a sweetness to counterbalance it. It was delicious and I found myself eating more than I really needed to eat there. The turkey leg was ok but is the same turkey leg you can get just about anywhere else at the Disneyland Resort. If that’s what you are craving, you’ll be happy. However, I’d steer people towards the chicken legs and coleslaw as I really enjoyed that one. I will most likely come back for the chicken box again in the future.
I will first comment on the coleslaw. I know I’ve had it somewhere else at the Resort, but could not tell you exactly where because I forgot. However, it is one that I always enjoy because it’s different from the usual creamy version at a lot of fast food places. It’s more of a true slaw with a vinegar dressing mixed in it. And it pairs nicely with a slightly sweet chicken leg. Which is one of my favorite food items at Pixar Pier! I really liked these chicken legs for the blend of crumb coating and sweet flavor. The turkey leg is, like Mr. Daps said, available throughout the two parks. Not that it’s bad in any way, but for grabbing a unique item at the Pier I’d get the chicken.
Señor Buzz Churros
Señor Buzz Churros offered two types of churros. One was a cinnamon churro and the other was billed as spicy. Both were very good. The cinnamon one tasted very much like most churros and was an easy win. The spicy one, labeled caliente, was like a churro with red hot candy sprinkles on it. While it did have a bit of a kick to it, I personally found it really enjoyable. I would definitely get this churro again. It is one of my favorite churro variations that Disney has put out. Just note that if you aren’t a huge fan of red hots, you probably won’t be a fan of this churro. If, on the other hand, you like red hots, you’ll really like this churro!
Churros are the great staple pastry of the Disney parks. The galaxy churro is that classic flavor of cinnamon and sugar, but with some star-shaped flare to it. The Caliente Churro is the one to grab! And I would dare say it could become a new classic! It’s got some cinnamon to it, but like Red Hots candy cinnamon. And before you think it will destroy your mouth with hot flavor, it was not strong enough to do so. It was a mild and delicious execution of a classic candy flavor over a great pastry.

Lamplight Lounge
The Lamplight Lounge is definitely a new culinary center for the Disneyland Resort. I can’t say enough good things about this establishment. The drinks were both fun and delicious. The food was equally delicious. I could easily end up spending all my time and money here. I’ll let Murray get into the specifics about what we ate and instead stick with generalities about the experience. I loved the atmosphere. It has a definite Pixar feel to it with brick walls, Pixar art, and fun music. The servers are professional but also relaxed. Everything that we consumed there was absolutely delicious. Each new dish became my new favorite as we worked through some of the options on the menu. The food, the view, the atmosphere, and staff at Lamplight Lounge was amazing. The prices are a bit higher than other places around the Disneyland Resort but the value that is added with the prices make it totally worth it. I will definitely be visiting Lamplight Lounge again! I would imagine quite a few other people will be as well.
I’ll be honest: when I looked at the menu a few days before visiting I was not impressed. I thought I would not enjoy anything except for the donuts. I am glad to say I was very wrong.
For appetizers, we had the Crab and Tuna Roll, and the Potato Skins. At first, I thought the rolls would be like spring rolls, but they were sushi rolls! I’m pretty sure that is a first at the California parks (not the Resort overall, just the parks). It had the ingredients of a tuna California roll, but with very tasty crab and some kick to the sauce and even tuna itself. It’s possible to have this as a meal in itself. The potato skins are like tater tot patties, but don’t let that description fool you! These had a good blend of salt and pepper, and a wonderful bleu-cheese-like sauce that paired well. Mr. Daps and I agreed that we’d easily just scarf down these on another day.
Entrée choices were the Salmon PLT and Ratatouille (’cause Pixar). I am not a big seafood fan as I say in the video. I’m ok with it, but don’t often eat it. I would eat the Salmon PLT again, even consider it above some other choices around the park. It had a great tartar sauce and a wonderful salmon patty cooked just right. However, the Ratatouille was the star item. This blew me away. I’ve had the dish twice before in my life, but this was so good. It had well-cooked vegetables, and a creamy sauce underneath. I regretted that I ate too much before to finish it off. It is certainly something I want to specifically go back for.
Our server told us about specialty drinks only available at this Lounge and in no other Disney Resort. Three drinks had a way to perpetually fizz. Two were alcoholic and one non-alcoholic. Check out the video for them and what we think of them. But in summary, they are worth trying!
Jack-Jack Cookie Num Nums
Jack-Jack Cookie Num Nums had three different cookies to try. A gluten-free cookie with a jelly in the middle, a shortbread cookie with frosting on top, and a chocolate chip cookie that really is Jack-Jack’s Cookie Num Nums. All three were really quite good. The gluten free was almost like a shortbread with what I think was a blackberry flavored jelly in the middle. I would be happy eating it any day of the week. The shortbread cookie was also delicious and was exactly what you would expect, other than the frosting. The frosting had an orange flavor to it that was a pleasant surprise. Jack-Jack’s chocolate chip cookie num nums though, that was amazing. It was a very thick cookie, almost like a pizookie type cookie. It was warm and had oozing chocolate chips inside. It was absolutely delicious and I could eat one of these any day of the week multiple times! It was by far my favorite cookie of the three and is deserving of being the cookie that is deserving of being the Jack-Jack Cookie Num Nums.
First of all, I just like saying or even writing num num cookie. So, this is a great place just for that. But, the num num cookie was the best. Not that it was easy to say. It was the warmth and gooey nature of the chocolate cookie that won me over. And that it’s like a small pie. The shortbread had a fun orange frosting to it that set it apart from the others. The one that surprised me was the Incredicookie with it being gluten free. The softness surprised me. It was a great home style flavor and I would also get this again.
Adorable Snowman Frosted Treats
Adorable Snowman Frosted Treats is already quite popular with guests visiting Disney California Adventure. The frozen treats here are themed around the Abominable Adorable Snowman from Monster’s, Inc. There is a lot of lemon with these frozen treats and if you are a fan, you are in luck. If you aren’t a lemon fan, you’ll probably want to get your frozen desserts somewhere else. All that being said, the offerings are a nice balance between lemon and sweetness. It was a bit intense but it also is a fun culinary experience. This is a great dessert, especially on a hot day!
I have been able to have the parfait before when Adorable Treats first opened. I remember enjoying it with a unique combination of slush and soft serve. Having a sweeter blueberry flavor and a lemon soft serve is a nice sweet and sour dessert. The snow cap lemon treat is good for a little extra soft serve cone. The lemon is a bit strong if you’re not a fan of a candy lemon flavor you may not enjoy it. But, it’s a refreshing treat on a warm day!
The Disneyland Resort has a culinary hit on its hands with Pixar Pier. There is a surprisingly wide collection of options for people looking for food there. The are options that should please just about everyone visiting Pixar Pier. I know we were quite pleased with all of the options that we tasted during our review of the foods of Pixar Pier. The next time you stop by the Disneyland Resort, make sure and try some of the new foods at Pixar Pier. Then, let us know which one was your favorite and if you agreed with our reviews!