Disney Shares A Look at the Progress of the Star Wars Themed Lands at Disneyland and Walt Disney World Resorts

Stop by the Disneyland Resort and park at Mickey and Friends parking structure and it is hard to not notice that there is a lot going on where the new Star Wars themed land is being built. Most recently, fans have noticed the appearances of two At-At shaped frames being built. 

Today, Disney has released a closer look at these At-At frames along with a video. As has been mentioned before, there will be two main attractions that will be featured in the new Star Wars themed lands when they open in 2019. One of them will give guests a chance to take the controls the Mellinium Falcon for a secret mission. The other puts fans right in the middle of a battle between the Resistance and the First Order. 

Disney also released a brief video showcasing where the two At-Ats will be once they are completed, sort of. It gives a little context but not a whole lot more. It will be awesome to see how this all comes together and where exactly these two vehicles will appear in 2019. 

What do you think of the photo and video of these At-Ats? Any predictions how how they will be used when the Star Wars open in 2019 at the Disneyland and Walt Disney World Resorts?