Thousands Walk Through Disneyland for Children’s Hospital of Orange County

CHOC Walk 2015-17On Sunday October 11, thousands of people arrived at Disneyland in the wee hours of the morning to walk in support of the Children’s Hospital of Orange County (CHOC) for the 25th annual CHOC Walk. This walk takes place each October to raise funds for CHOC. This year, CHOC Walk included 15,000 walkers.

The first CHOC Walk, or CHOC “Walk in the Park” took place in 1990. At the time, it did not wind through the Disneyland Resort parks as it does today. That started happening in 2002. This allowed for more teams, more walkers, more fundraising, and ultimately more support for CHOC.

To date, the 2015 CHOC Walk has raised $2.2 million dollars. Fundraising continues through October 31st however so a final number has not been released. (You can go here to donate) This was raised through the efforts of 954 CHOC teams and supporters of CHOC at the CHOC Walk Ambassador Luau (stay tuned to DAPs Magic for a future post on this).

CHOC Walk is a fun yearly event that really does allow people to make a big difference here in Orange County. CHOC has been helping kids get top quality care since 1964. With the support of CHOC Walkers, this top quality care continues to improve.

Stay tuned to DAPs Magic for future updates on CHOC and CHOC Walk along with details about how you can join our team for 2016.

CHOC Walk 360 Degree Videos

CHOC Walk Photos

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