Keep checking this post for updated info coming out of the San Diego Comic Con!
Star Wars: Force Awakens Panel
This part is going to feel stream of consciousness as I cover a live panel as info comes.
Some new information spinning out of SDCC are all about characters. A glimpse of Bobbajo was seen, a new practical alien character. Po Dameron is the character carrying on Han and Luke’s personality legacies. Adam Driver, Domhnall Gleeson, and Gwendoline Christie appeared with the rest of the Force Awakens group, three that were absent from Star Wars Celebration. Driver stayed a little vague on whether his character is truly evil. But, these three are certainly the villains of the story. As a fan asked about their reaction to finding out they are cast as villains, Gleeson said she was told she’d be “in charge” in some way. The original cast came on stage, including Harrison Ford!
The panel concluded with a live symphony concert.
New Toys Reveal Force Awakens
Several of the new “Black Series” action figures were announced by Hasbro at SDCC. The Black Series is the more elite series of figures that are produced by the toy line. Among them are Star Wars Rebels figures, including Ahsoka. The real news is that a First Order Elite Pilot figure will be released with a scaled version of the First Order TIE Fighter will be released from Star Wars: The Force Awakens.

Chewbacca the Comic Series
Marvel has had great success with the Star Wars comic series, and looks to continue that with a Chewbacca comic book series. It will be a 5 issue run that will take place after Episode 4. And, if you’re wondering the same thing I did when I first heard about it: Will Chewie talk? The answer is no, and the writers and artists are trying to come up with a unique way to illustrate voice and emotions. Below are cover art and official Marvel synopsis
“Known as the skilled co-pilot of the infamous Millennium Falcon, the legendary Wookiee warrior CHEWBACCA will star in his very own limited comic series! After the battle of Yavin, Chewbacca is on his own when he crash lands his ship on an Imperial occupied planet. Now stranded, Chewie finds himself caught in the middle of trying to return to the rebellion and helping a young and feisty girl in need. Writer Gerry Duggan (DEADPOOL, 1872, HULK) and artist Phil Noto (BLACK WIDOW, X-23, UNCANNY X-FORCE) bring us a never-before-seen tale of the heroic Wookiee we all know and love.”