Storybook Circus Giggle Gang

Storybook Circus Giggle Gang Freak Out Over a Banana Peel

One of the unexpected favorites for our group visiting Walt Disney World this summer was a clown troupe called the Storybook Circus Giggle Gang. This show is found at the entrance of Storybook Circus in New Fantasyland at the Magic Kingdom. There are three clowns in this troupe with the names of Chuckles Buffoon McMonkeyshine III, Whinny Horselaugh, and Snort. Their crazy antics are really quite entertaining and are accompanied by the Silly Saxtet, a musical group of three saxophones and one percussion rig.

The Storybook Circus Giggle Gang Wants to Be In The Band!

The first comedy sketch we caught was the three of them freaking out over a banana peel. This went on for fifteen minutes or more and had us laughing throughout most of it. It entertained us enough that before our first day at the Magic Kingdom was over we returned to Storybook Circus several more times to watch their later shows. In some of these other shows the clowns attempt to join the band (and this one was hilarious because there is a Muppet reference in it!). In yet another, Snort learns about wooing women.

The Storybook Circus Giggle Gang is one of those shows that Disney could decide isn’t absolutely essential for the guest experience at the Magic Kingdom in Walt Disney World. However, the addition of these clows is what makes Disney magical. I, for one, never thought I would be geeking out over some clowns. However, these clowns really were a highlight at the Magic Kingdom. We had people who really dislike and were afraid of clowns who found themselves enjoying the Storybook Circus Giggle Gang. If you get the chance, check them out. You won’t regret it! They were a highlight of our trip.

Make it a GREAT day!

  • Mr. DAPs

More photos of our Walt Disney World trip and the Storybook Circus Giggle Gang can be found here.