Tag: Solo: A Star Wars Story
Millennium Falcon Arrives in Hollywood for Solo: A Star Wars Story World Premiere
Stars, cast, and crew from the Star Wars galaxy descended on Hollywood this week for the world premiere of Solo: A Star Wars Story. The premiere also found the arrival of the Millennium Falcon in Hollywood. Stars Alden Ehrenreich, Woody Harrelson, Emilia Clarke, Donald Glover, Thandie Newton, Paul Bettany, Phoebe Waller-Bridge and Joonas Suotamo were…
Two New Clips Released for Solo: A Star Wars Story
Solo: A Star Wars Story will soon be in theaters in one more week. Ahead of this release, a steady trickle of clips from the movie continues to be released. Today two clips were released. One shows the meeting of Han and Lando, the other a game of Holochess. If you don’t want to know…
Galactic Adventures – GEEKS CORNER – Episode 832
Welcome to another episode of GEEKS CORNER! This week Cameron is away on vacation so the GEEKS CORNER producer Tyler steps into place. This week the geeks cover their experiences at Star Wars Nite at Disneyland. This was the second Disneyland After Dark offered by the Disneyland Resort. They talk about many of the offerings…
Happiest Galaxy – DISNEY Reporter
Welcome to another edition of DISNEY Reporter. This week there were several big stories DAPS MAGIC covered in the realms of Disney and geek news. This week Disneyland hosted its first Star Wars Nite event. The night was full of galactic surprises, characters, food, and more. In New Orleans Square, Redd will be coming to…
Chewbacca Challenges Fans to ‘Roar For Change’
Star Wars: Force for Change to Donate Up To $1 Million to Support UNICEF Disney store Offers ‘Roar in Store’ Discount on all Star Wars Products to Celebrate Star Wars Day https://www.google.com/url?hl=en&q=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v%3DEIcgRoJBGVk%26feature%3Dyoutu.be&source=gmail&ust=1525472842470000&usg=AFQjCNEHEZJxmj6SZgHZNTeqzszMA_VvOQ LOS ANGELES (May 3, 2018) —Lucasfilm and Star Wars: Force for Change today announced Roar For Change, a global challenge in support of…
Check Out This Tour of the Solo: A Star Wars Story Millennium Falcon
Donald Glover, Lando Calrissian, in the upcoming Star Wars film Solo: A Star Wars Story is giving a tour of Lando’s Millennium Falcon. Check out this Falcon Tour ahead of the Solo: A Star Wars Story’s release on May 25. While this ship is familiar, it is also quite different. Clearly, Lando ran a different…
New Featurette, Becoming Solo, Released Ahead of Solo: A Star Wars Story
Join director Ron Howard, screenwriter Lawrence Kasdan, and stars Alden Ehrenreich, Donald Glover and Emilia Clarke as they talk about Han Solo’s rite of passage to become the galaxy’s most beloved scoundrel in Becoming Solo, a fun, new featurette for Solo: A Star Wars Story. Solo: A Star Wars Story opens in U.S. theaters on…
New Character Posters Released for Solo: A Star Wars Story As Movie Wraps Post-Production
pSolo: A Star Wars Story has wrapped up its post-production. Director Ron Howard made the announcement on twitter. Now, a handful of character posters have been released that give yet another way to look at what will be coming when Solo comes to theaters in May! That’s a wrap on post production! #Solo @HanSoloStory #SkywalkerRanch…
More Pixar, More Star Wars – DISNEY Reporter
Welcome to another week of DISNEY Reporter! There is a lot of exciting things going on in the world of Disney, Pixar, Star Wars, and more! Things start off at the Disneyland Resort where Pixar Fest continues to grow in popularity. DAPS MAGIC also shares a guide for how to eat healthy at the Disneyland…
Pixar Fest Fantastic? – GEEKS CORNER – Episode 829
Welcome to a very Pixar episode of GEEKS CORNER. Cameron is going on vacation and we want to know from YOU who our guest co-host should be in his stead. Make sure and let us know who you think it should be! This weekend Pixar Fest began at the Disneyland Resort and the Geeks talk…
Solo: A Star Wars Story Clip is All About Risk!
A new clip has been released ahead of next month’s theatrical opening of Solo: A Star Wars Story. This one is all about risk. It has a few new moments from the film and even what might end up being a reveal of a classic character in the movie. There are some repeat moments but…
Pixar Fest Time! – DISNEY Reporter
Welcome to this week’s edition of DISNEY Reporter! This week there is a lot going on in the Disney and geek communities. The biggest story of the week has to be the opening of Pixar Fest at the Disneyland Resort though. DAPS MAGIC has full coverage of this special event that will run through September…
The Best or Worst? – GEEKS CORNER – Episode 828
Welcome to a best and worst episode of GEEKS CORNER. This week, everything is discussed in terms of what is best about the topic and what is worst. This is because of an article that Cameron wrote last week regarding best and worst Disney things. Throughout the show the GEEKS talk about Solo: A Star…
Disney Twenty-Three Goes to the Movies With This Summer’s Edition!
This summer Disney is going to the movies, and so is D23: The Official Disney Fan Club. The summer edition of Disney Twenty-Three will focus on the plethora of movies that are being released this summer by the Walt Disney Company. This includes Avengers: Infinity War, Solo: A Star Wars Story, Incredibles 2, Ant-Man and…
Jon Favreau to Write and Produce Live-Action Star Wars Series!
Today it was announced that Jon Favreau will be writing and producing a new live-action Star Wars series. This new series will be appearing on Disney’s new streaming service. This continues a relationship that Favreau has with the Star Wars galaxy. In the past he has played roles on Star Wars: The Clone Wars and…
Solo: A Star Wars Story Not Going Solo With Global Promotion Campaign
When thinking of different brands that synergize in marketing, it is hard to not recognize that Star Wars ranks among of the best. The newest Star Wars film, Solo: A Star Wars Story continues to synergize with the best of them. Lucasfilm announced that Solo: A Star Wars Story will be partnering with six major…
A Lot of Disney Love – DISNEY Reporter
Welcome to a very full edition of DISNEY Reporter. The news this week spans the globe and also covers quite a few different mediums. This includes Disney Parks news, movie news, Disney TV updates, and even some food news! We hope you find this episode interesting as the DISNEY Reporter shares the highlights of this…
Going Solo – GEEKS CORNER – Episode 819
Welcome to GEEKS CORNER! This week there are a LOT of things happening in the world of movies. Before the geeks get to that though, there have been some changes at the Disneyland Resort. There is a new president and the old one has been promoted. Beyond that, there are new trailer for Solo: A…
SOLO: A STAR WARS STORY Trailer and Posters Arrive Following Super Bowl Reveal
During the Super Bowl, the first look at Solo: A Star Wars Story was revealed to the world. This 45-second teaser gave a glimpse into what will be coming on May 25th when this next Star Wars movie comes out. Now, a full trailer, posters, and stills have been released as the marketing juggernaut that…
Star Wars Legend John Williams is Now Writing a Theme for Solo: A Star Wars Story
As more details come out about Solo: A Star Wars, it just appears to be getting better and better. The movie, which stars Aiden Ehrenreich as a young on Solo, is now being directed by Ron Howard. John Powell is set to write the score for the movie. However, in a recent interview with Variety…
Going Solo? – GEEKS CORNER – Episode 803
Welcome to Geeks Corner! This week, there is a lot of Star Wars news to cover. The Han Solo movie now has a title. Jake the Droid has been seen wandering around Tomorrowland in Disneyland. The geeks discuss both of these topics and the pros and cons of each of them. They also discuss just…