Update on the Transformation of Disney’s Paradise Pier Hotel to Pixar Place Hotel

Work continues on the transformation of Disney’s Paradise Pier Hotel into Pixar Place Hotel. While it still isn’t expected to be finished until early next year, changes to the new theme of the hotel are becoming more apparent. This includes some new looks and the layout for the lobby, a new look for the local shop, and more. There is still plenty to change in the hotel but things are progressing.

Daps Magic team Angela stopped by on Sunday to check out the updates to the hotel. Check out this video that gives a look at the progression of this transformation.

Recently new details were revealed about what the Pixar Place Hotel will look like when it is completed. The details included a look at what the lobby will look like, the pool area will look like, and also the food offerings as well. The details and concept art can be found here.

What do you think of the transformation of Disney’s Paradise Pier into Pixar Place Hotel? What is your favorite part of this transformation? Share your thoughts and opinions in the comments below!