Today something happened that rarely happens at Disneyland in California. It snowed. Guests in the afternoon were surprised as the skies opened up and white stuff came down. While it didn’t really stick, it some of it was definitely was softer than hail. Snow flakes could be seen coming down and landing on the ground, sometimes even lasting a few seconds before melting. Technically it could be considered graupel, a mix of snow that is encapsulated by ice. Merriam-Webster defines graupel as “granular snow pellets.”
The following video was sent in to Daps Magic with a look at the snow coming down.

Within minutes of the brief flurries, the sun was shining again. The day has seen very weird weather in general with rain, a lightning warning, wind, sun, light clouds, dark clouds, hail, and a bit of snow. This also was seen throughout Los Angeles and Orange Counties as others posted their experiences as well. This included multiple tweets and instagram stories from The Walt Disney Studios lot.
While Disney magic makes it “snow” throughout the holidays, it isn’t the same as what was seen today. It has snowed in area around Disneyland previously in 1957 and 1962. The areas around Orange County have seen snow in the mountains. However, it is unknown if it actually ever snowed at Disneyland.
Other Disney theme parks around the world have gotten snow on a more regular basis. It is not uncommon for it to snow at least once in the winter at Disneyland Paris and Tokyo Disney Resort as well. Even having this come down at Disneyland was quite the anomaly.
What do you think of snow coming down at Disneyland that wasn’t part of their holiday magic? Do you think it was snow, graupel, hail, rain, a mix? Have you ever been at a Disney theme park when it has snowed before? Share your thoughts, opinions, and experiences in the comments below!