Hurry Home has returned to the Lunar New Year Celebration at Disney California Adventure. This six-minute show takes place before World of Color during the Lunar New Year Celebration. The show utilizes the water, light projections, and special effects that are regular components in World of Color along with pyrotechnics. It follows the journey of Little Lantern as it goes on a journey home to join its Lantern family to celebrate Lunar New Year. The show also includes moments that show Mulan and Mushu. The show utilizes Chinese paper cut-out style animation along with a score that includes an original arrangement of the music created for the grand opening ceremony of Shanghai Disney Resort by Academy Award-winning composer Tan Dun (Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon).
Here is a look at the opening night of Hurry Home for the 2023 Lunar New Year Celebration at Disney California Adventure:
Along with Hurry Home, there are many other entertainment offerings during the Lunar New Year Celebration. There are also some incredible food offerings, merchandise, and other activities to enjoy during this celebration at Disney California Adventure. This show begins right before World of Color. To see this show it is best to enter the virtual queue at 12:00 PM via the Disneyland App. Then show up when the app suggests in order to procure a spot to watch both Hurry Home followed immediately by World of Color.
Starting on January 27, 2023, Hurry Home will be presented in front of World of Color – One, a new version of World of Color that shares how one action can make a ripple that can turn into a wave that can change the world. It is recommended that guests utilize the virtual queue to see this show as well. This new iteration of World of Color is a part of the Disney100 celebration at the Disneyland Resort. This is a celebration of the 100th anniversary of The Walt Disney Company.
What do you think of Hurry Home? Have you seen it in person? What is your favorite part of the 2023 Lunar New Year Celebration? Share your thoughts and opinions in the comments below!