A groundbreaking ceremony has been broken for Cotina, a Storyliving by Disney community in Rancho Mirage, CA. Imagineers joined both designers and developers for the event. According to a post on social media, the team is drawing on the region’s past and also its present for inspiration. This connects both the natural beauty and also the history of Coachella Valley. It also is drawing on the influence the area has on arts, music, and culture. A specific opening date has not been announced but it will be sometime in early 2024.
In a post on social media, Walt Disney Imagineering shared about the event, along with photos.
Imagineers joined the groundbreaking ceremony today for Cotino, a Storyliving by Disney community being brought to life alongside world-class designers and developers in Rancho Mirage, CA. Michael Hundgen, Exec Producer, shared how the project team is drawing on the region’s past and present to inspire the story of Cotino – one that is connected to the natural beauty and rich history of Coachella Valley, as well as its continued influence in arts, music, and culture.
We anticipate welcoming residents in early 2024, and can’t wait to share more as progress continues!
Cotino, a Storyliving by Disney community was announced by Disney in February. The announcement was made by Disney Chairman of Parks, Experiences and Products Josh D’Amaro.
“For nearly 100 years, Disney has shared stories that have touched the hearts and minds of people all around the world,” said Josh D’Amaro, chairman, Disney Parks, Experiences and Products. “As we prepare to enter our second century, we are developing new and exciting ways to bring the magic of Disney to people wherever they are, expanding storytelling to storyliving. We can’t wait to welcome residents to these beautiful and unique Disney communities where they can live their lives to the fullest.”
For each Storyliving by Disney community, Disney Cast Members will operate the community association. This will bring the Disney company’s standard of high-quality guest service to the experience for those who live there. Some of the neighborhoods will also be specified for residents ages 55+. Club membership will allow residents access to experiences created by Disney. This includes wellness programming, entertainment options ranging from live performances to cooking classics, philanthropic endeavors, seminars, and a whole lot more.
What do you think of Cotina? Are you excited to see it arrive in early 2024? Share your thoughts and opinions in the comments below!