Delicious Disney Walt Disney World Recipes & Stories From The Most Magical Place on Earth is now available and is another way to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Walt Disney World Resort. Written by Pam Brandon, Marcy Carriker Smothers, and the Disney Chefs, it takes a look at fifty years of restaurant and recipes from Walt Disney World Resort and helps the reader bring those delicious memories home. With not just recipes, this book also shares some of the stories behind the foods. It is a wonderful look at the history of Walt Disney World Resort through a culinary lens.

Overall, this is a book that will be enjoyable for those who cook (who are we kidding, anyone can cook!) and those who don’t spend much time in the kitchen. There are some fun stories that date back to before Walt Disney World Resort is open that connect to the world of food. The stories and recipes continue through the years and decades and even include the new Space 220 recipe that opened earlier this fall. The stories and recipes are coupled with some beautiful photos. Some of these are foods, others are historical icons and moments from Walt Disney World’s history. This isn’t just a cookbook, it’s a magical history book from the perspective of food.
The recipes found in Delicious Disney Walt Disney World Recipes & Stories From The Most Magical Place on Earth are the highlight of this book. They look delicious, diverse, and magical! Some cookbooks are awesome with incredible recipes and beautiful photos… that are impossible to find ingredients for and even harder to make! I was very pleasantly surprised to discover that these recipes are accessible. I also felt fairly confident that I could find most of the ingredients (figuring out the bison still) and make these recipes into delicious dishes from the comfort of my home kitchen. I’m fairly certain most home cooks could actually.
I have a LOT of cookbooks. In fact, I have a whole shelf in my office dedicated to them. Some of them are books that seem great but when it comes down to it, only one or two of the recipes in the cookbook are actually worth cooking or able to be cooked. Sometimes these cookbooks don’t hit the mark because the ingredients are hard to find. Other times, the recipe is just so hard to do that it ends up being a huge roadblock to actually opening the cookbook in the kitchen and then getting to work. Delicious Disney Walt Disney World Recipes & Stories From The Most Magical Place on Earth is neither of those. It is a beautiful cookbook with recipes that are accessible from a cooking skill standpoint and also from an ingredient accessibility standpoint. This is a cookbook that I can easily give a big hat tip to! Definitely get it as a wonderful memory of Walt Disney World’s 50th Anniversary that you can also use to bring those memories to life at home!