Disneyland Celebrates 66th Anniversary with Cavalcade

Today the Disneyland Resort celebrates its 66th anniversary. Through the years this special day has been celebrated in many different ways. Some years there were big ceremonies and celebrations at the castle. Other years there was a ceremony in Town Square. More recently the celebration has involved a cavalcade and the singing of “Happy Birthday” to Disneyland. This year saw the return of a celebratory cavalcade for the celebration.

This year’s cavalcade including Mickey Mouse in the fire truck and a lot of his friends in and around the Omnibus. They were also joined by the Disneyland Band.

The cavalcade stopped up by it’s a small world, in the Hub, Main Street, USA, and in front of the Train Station. Guests cheered as they were able to participate in the celebration.

A second cavalcade made its way up Main Street and through the park at 1:45.

What do you think of the cavalcade? Were you there? Share your thoughts and opinions in the comments below!