Ron Moore is working on a series that is based in the world of the Magic Kingdom with Disney+. The first project he is working on in this realm is based on The Society of Explorers and Adventurers (S.E.A.). This would be set in a world where all of the characters found in the Magic Kingdom actually exist in another reality elsewhere.
Moore is known to be a major Disney fan and will be executive producing the S.E.A. series for Disney and also 20th Century where he currently is signed. The series is currently in the development stage. If it succeeds as Moore and Disney undoubtedly hope it will, it could lead to an entire franchise. This franchise would be led by Moore, who has had success doing this before with Battlestar Galactica.
According to the Hollywood Reporter, the series would focus on various characters from the Disney theme parks, like a skipper from the Jungle Cruise, a prospector from Big Thunder Mountain Railroad, or potentially even climbers from the Matterhorn. All of these characters would be a part of The Society of Explorers and Adventurers. At this point, the story development is so early that none of these are actually known to be a part of the project.
What is known is that Ron Moore is working with a team from Imagineering as he begins work on this project. A mini writers room has been set up but currently, no lead writers are attached to the project. Three are currently being searched for. Frequent collaborators at Moore’s Tall Ship Productions, Maril Davis and Ben McGinnis, are attached to the project and also the larger Magic Kingdom universe.
The potential for this project is quite large in terms of storytelling and also synergy. The possibilities really become endless if this project grows in the right way and then is successful. This could lead to a natural connection between Disney Parks and Disney+.
At this point, both Disney and 20th Century have not made any comment on this potential project.