Reopening Has a Plan – DISNEY Reporter

Welcome to another edition of the DISNEY Reporter. This week, there was a lot of news surrounding the reopening plans for Walt Disney World Resort. This impacts just about anyone visiting Walt Disney World this year. Along with the reopening plans, there will also be some other things going on. This includes potentially the NBA, which could be resuming its season at Walt Disney World.

Over in California, the reopening plan for the state is beginning to enter Stage 3. With this, Disneyland and other theme parks could be reopening. Currently, there are no plans to do this.

Disney Stores are going to be opening again in the coming week. Ahead of these reopenings, plans have been outlined for what the reopenings will look like fo Disney Stores.

Finally, it’s a small world is celebrating another anniversary. This week DAPS MAGIC celebrated this special attraction with a look at the evolution of this iconic attraction.

There are a lot of exciting things happening in Disney and geek news this week. We hope you are having a fantastic week. We hope you are staying safe. We hope to see you soon in the parks!

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