The Bugs Land Challenge - GEEKS CORNER - Episode 844

The Bug’s Land Challenge – GEEKS CORNER – Episode 844

Welcome to a very warm episode of GEEKS CORNER! The heat wave continues and the geeks are ready to brave it to geek out with you! This week there is quite a lot to cover and the geeks get right into it, after geeking out about cats. Then they move on to Star Wars: Episode IX talk. This covers cast and also some storage elements. Disney and Fox’s shareholders have agreed to merge. What will this mean for the future of Disney? This last weekend Caitie and Caitlyn took the Bug’s Land Challenge. Are you up for it? Let us know what your time is here. Today it was announced that Jungle Cruise has begun production. The geeks make predictions about this movie as well. ROCK4CHOC is THIS Sunday! The geeks share about the exciting things that are coming with it. You don’t want to miss it! More information can be found at Finally, Disney is upping its conservation game. This last week it was announced that they will be phasing out plastic straws and plastic bags. We hope you enjoy this week’s episode of GEEKS CORNER! Let us know what you think of the episode and leave a comment below! Let’s go to the corner!

Post Referenced in This GEEKS CORNER Episode



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