Hello Redd, Goodbye John - DISNEY Reporter

Hello Redd, Goodbye John – DISNEY Reporter

Welcome to DISNEY Reporter! This week there are several controversial headlines to report. At Disneyland, Redd has joined the crew in the Pirates of the Caribbean attraction. She can be seen inside the auction seen selling her rum as the auctioneer sells the rest of the town away. DAPS MAGIC has both video and photos of this update and some others to the attraction. If you don’t want to have the changes spoiled, don’t watch the videos or check out DAPS MAGIC’s coverage. Outside of the attraction, Redd is now found wandering around New Orleans Square as well. Over at Disneyland Paris, Disney FanDaze was celebrated with a plethora of rare characters out and about. Finally, John Lasseter will be stepping down from his roles within The Walt Disney Company. It’s a big week with some specific stories for DISNEY Reporter. Let us know what you think the biggest story of the week is in the comments below. If we missed a story, let us know that as well! We’ll see you in the parks, everybody!

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