Egg-Stravaganza, Easter Bunny, and Toy Story FastPass – Sundays With DAPs Disneyland Update

toy story fastpassSpring Breaks are still going strong at the Disneyland Resort.  But, that means egg hunting!  We ventured around the parks and Downtown Disney for the Disney character eggs.

The eggs are hidden, but not too hard to find as you can see from photos below.


And before getting to these photos, you can scroll past if you don’t want to have some locations spoiled…



On Main Street, the Easter Bunny made some appearances for photo opportunities and autographs.  He stands amidst many beautiful spring flowers and the great backdrop of Main Street itself.

Over in Disney California Adventure, almost all the scaffolding and tarps are off the Guardians of the Galaxy – Mission: Breakout attraction.  It seems like the paint will be the final scheme and look of the building as the opening is getting closer.  Some of the details are interesting, like a big black open part in between a couple of the shafts.  There are exit stairs visible in this part.  It doesn’t seem like they will cover over it, but they might.

Also in DCA is the addition of Toy Story Midway Mania FastPass.  It’s been anticipated over these last few months and has arrived in time for some of the breaks.  Standby lines seem to have increased a bit in time, but it’s still doable, and FastPass certainly helps families get to the attraction in a more timely manner.

The Resort will most likely be busy this next week as more schools are off for Spring Break because of Easter approaching.  But, it’s still a good time to go to the parks with the beautiful scenery and fun events like egg hunting happening.  Grad Nights are around the corner, and the Marvel additions to HollywoodLand at DCA will be coming very soon.

For more on Egg-Stravaganza, check out Caitie’s post here.