Welcome to Geeks Corner! This week the topic is predominantly Pokemon Go. Since being released last week, this game has taken the world by storm…and that includes the worlds of Disney. This week, the geeks are joined by Caiti who joins Hayley and Cameron as they share with Mr. DAPs about the game, how to play it at Disneyland, and what they love about it.
Disneyland also released new concept art for the Star Wars themed land. Time to geek out about that as well!
We have heard your questions and we have an answer to what happened to the TARDIS. Take a watch and let us know what you think!
There is also new coverage from Florida as Victoria shares about Frozen Ever After, now in Epcot at the Norway Pavilion. After reading it, are you ready to go to Walt Disney World?
Finally, on Sunday Disneyland will be celebrating its 61st anniversary. Many of the DAPs Magic team will be there. Find the team and take a photo with them! Make sure to tag them on instagram or twitter and use the hashtags #dapsmagic or #geekscorner! Also, check out last week’s Sundays with DAPs. Do you like the changes?
We hope you enjoyed this week’s episode of Geeks Corner! Make sure to take a minute and subscribe to our youtube channel and share this episode!
Thanks for being awesome viewers and for your constant support!
Let’s go to the corner![podcast src=”https://html5-player.libsyn.com/embed/episode/id/4511743/height/450/width/700/theme/standard/autonext/no/thumbnail/yes/autoplay/no/preload/no/no_addthis/no/direction/forward/” height=”450″ width=”700″]