2015 Disney Stories Countdown #4 – Marvel Everywhere

This one wasn’t that much of a lesser item compared to everything else that has happened in 2015, but there were much bigger things (believe it or not) to the year.  Marvel has certainly swept the nation in all it’s had to offer.  The year began with Agent Carter premiering on ABC to rave reviews and becoming an instant fan favorite.  The limited series did so well that ABC ordered a second season (which will premier soon).

Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. had its second and third season happen in the same year, showing that Marvel can dish out television shows as well as movies.  Characters are becoming quite popular, even if they are not super powered like the movie heroes we often see.  The show has continued to be compelling and exciting.

Agents-of-SHIELD-Devils-You-Know-Coulson-Daisy-Mack1Speaking of television shows, Marvel’s more mature shows premiered on Netflix for binge watchers everywhere.  Both Daredevil and Jessica Jones have become instant hits.  They have taken on the darker edge of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, yet keep the excitement and delight of viewers who have fallen in love with the movies.

It’s amazing that I’ve only been talking about the small screen for Marvel and it already feels like a lot.  On the big screen there were two hits produced from Marvel – Avengers: Age of Ultron and Ant-Man.  I think both had opposite history, which is rather surprising.  Age of Ultron was quite hyped because of its predecessor, but didn’t quite live up to its potential with most of the audience.  However, it didn’t keep it from being a great movie packed with plenty of adventure and action!  It was still one of the best in the Marvel cinema library.  Ant-Man had many hesitate to see it, but ending up loving it as one of the better Marvel films.  It shows that even the smallest of characters has big screen potential (yes, pun intended).

It may not be a movie that has premiered yet, but Captain America: Civil War has many talking.  Whether it was the trailer that premiered a short time ago, or the news that Spider-Man could officially join the ranks of the Cinematic Universe, this movie has kept the news going all year.  It seems to be the route that the movies have been taking over Phase 1 and 2.  Perhaps it’ll prove even bigger than Infinity War.

As the Marvel Cinematic Universe has created a new generation of fans everywhere, we can’t forget about where it began.  Marvel Comics had a banner year with a big reason being a Captain America Civil War_Teaser_1-Sheet_Faceoff_v3_Lgreboot of its comics universe.  Secret Wars plunged the super hero community into a new reality where several fan favorite alternate realities got the spotlight again.  The story involved all universes ceasing to exist because of years of damage caused by heroes cutting through dimensional and time barriers.  Dr. Doom (or as he’s known in Secret Wars as God Doom) helped piece together a Battleworld where nations of the alternate worlds lived amongst themselves.  Though the series has not concluded quite yet, the new Marvel reality has been birthed.

The All New, All Different Marvel Comics has debuted over the last couple of months.  Many series and characters have new life as the new Marvel Comics continues to take shape.  New status quos, such as Mary Jane being an employee of Tony Stark, have been established.  New series with new forms of old heroes have come about, like Vision which is about the robot super hero trying to have a family that he’s created.  In all it is showing that Marvel can have new blood in its comics without having to completely dismantle the old.

2015 could certainly be called a Marvel year, but there was much more happening.  Come back tomorrow for the next installment of the Countdown to see what else was so big.

Civil War Trailer

Thoughts on Ant-Man

Review of Jessica Jones

Review of Daredevil

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Agent Carter

Marvel Comics – Secret Wars and New Universe