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The Walt Disney Family Museum Plans An Event Filled April

The month of April is sure to be a great one. The Walt Disney Family Museum in Northern California has some special events that will make this month even more magical.

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Walt Disney Family Museum

Now that spring is here and summer is just around the corner, there are some new programs in line at the museum. But first, the movie of the month is ‘The Jungle Book.’ This film will be shown daily (except Tuesday) and is free to all members.

Also coming this month are a series of talks. Taking part on April 11, “How the Glamour Shot Changed Hollywood,” will discuss how these amazing photographs transformed the industry.  Author Kendra Bean will provide the discussion. On April 18, “Animation Basics: Lighting,” will be presented by Angelique Reisch who works for Pixar Animation Studios.

As for special teacher events, April 18 will feature a “Teacher Program: Walt Disney and Modern Artists.” For just $10, those in attendance will learn a variety of facts encompassing modern art and the connection of Disney’s artist concepts.

This and so much more will be taking part in the month of April at the Walt Disney Family Museum. If you would like more information or would like to become a member, please click here to visit their main website.

What is your favorite thing to do at the Walt Disney Family Museum?