Geek Eats- DC's 2015 Food Resolutions

New-Year_Resolutions_listGreetings Foodies! Happy 2015! Every New Year, people make resolutions on things what want to do or change during that year. I thought to myself what types of resolutions would I make and not surprisingly most involved food. So here are my food resolutions for this year:

1. Cook at least 10 new recipes- I did this last year and had it done by March. I’m sure this year will be no different.

2. Try 10 new restaurants- This was also completed early on in the year last year. I love trying new places and am definitely looking to find more healthier dining options.

3. Eat meat free one day a week and one five day stretch a month- There are numerous health benefits to replacing meat with vegetables and grains for even as little as one day a week. Not only that but its an excuse to try new vegetarian recipes. (No I will not be going full veggie, I love meat way too much for that.)

4. Eat less processed food- This year I will be making a effort to eat more “clean”. I will be reducing the amount of processed and sugary foods. Better stuff in your body means better moods and better health.

5. Find more ways to make healthy food seem decadent- Why should anyone have to settle for either healthy or decadent. My goal is to come with with recipes and meals that are both!

6. Blog- This seems simple but while I am a geek for all sorts of things like Disney, Harry Potter, Marvel, and more, I am passionate about food. Not only do I love to eat it (obviously), but I love to prepare it, learn about it, and discover it. I am resolving to build my skill as a food writer in addition to the other types of blogging I enjoy.

Well there you have it folks! My original list was much longer but these were the big ones. What were some of your food resolutions this year? Leave your resolutions in the comments below. Stay tuned for lots of new content coming to Geek Eats!

Enjoy What You Eat!