This morning started off with rain coming down. It was absolutely beautiful. So after a quick jaunt to Starbucks, I ran to Disneyland. I arrived just in time to catch the end of the “storm” with just a few scattered sprinkles still coming down. I made my way to the Hub where I found that the weather couldn’t figure out what it wanted to do. One moment it would be raining, the next it stopped, and then it would be raining sunshine. This picture was taken during one of those moments when it just couldn’t make up its mind. It really was quite nice, even though I would have liked to have some more precipitation coming down.
The weather report is predicting more rain for next week. I’m hoping it is right! If it is, hopefully there will be some new photos and videos of Disneyland in the rain. Where is your favorite place to go when it rains at Disneyland?
Make it a GREAT day!
- Mr. DAPs