Holiday Geek Deals 2014 – Star Trek and Disney Infinity

We thought we’d try something different this holiday season and post when there are significant deals on geeky gifts.  Mr. Daps has done a wonderful job at having a comprehensive gift guide, which you can check out here.

I’ll be bringing you what I find in deals of specific items that would fit some specific geeks.

Star Trek: The Next Generation Blu Rays

TNG_Season_1_Blu-ray_coverOn, a sale is going on for all HD versions of the great Star Trek series.  “But, I don’t mind regular versions of it,” you say.  Well, not only did they update the quality of the images, but they made better effects for many of the alien elements in each season.  Updated ships and big creatures are now in stunning visuals.  It’s worth grabbing at about 20 bucks for the first season and 32 bucks for all other seasons!

Star Trek on Amazon

Disney Infinity 2.0

Disney_Infinity_2.0_Pack_CoverartRight now for Black Friday, Best Buy, and Target are having amazing deals on  Disney Infinity 2.0 items.  The starter packs at Best Buy, Target, and are a low 39.99!  Over at Target, figures are $10 each until Saturday!  If you wanted to get started on this great game, now’s the time to do it!

Disney Store

Best Buy
