Meet Chopper from Star Wars Rebels

R2D2 Meets Chopper from Star Wars Rebels
R2D2 Meets Chopper from Star Wars Rebels

When Star Wars Rebels comes to people’s TV screens later this years, one of the stars of this new show will be Chopper. Chopper is an Astromech Droid that will be featured prominently in Star Wars Rebels. Officially designated C1-10P, Chopper’s programming was originally a part of the Galactic Empire. However, in the show he has now been built from scraps of other droids by members of the fledgling Rebellion. His design was patterned after Ralph McQuarrie’s original Star Wars IV sketches for R2-D2.

Star Wars Rebels will be on Disney XD this fall.


Chopper is the grumpy, lazy, yet ultimately heroic astromech droid of the upcoming Star Wars Rebels animated series — and Lucasfilm has brought him to life. In this new video, go behind the scenes to see how a fully functioning Chopper was designed, built, and finally, introduced to his creators and to the world.

So what do you think?

This is an incredibly fun video to watch and concept to dream about. I remember being a kid who loved Star Wars and wishing I could have a droid of my own. Through the years, attempts were made to create droids but nothing ever turned out this awesome. A few years ago an R2-D2 droid/toy came out that wasn’t quite full size but was still awesome. I remember standing in the Mickey and Friends Parking Structure at the Disneyland Resort with a couple of friends playing with R2-D2 after the park had closed (imagine three grown men playing with R2-D2 in a parking lot and you’ve got it about right). Then R2-D2 showed up at Disneyland and that was AWESOME! Now, Chopper comes along and has been completely built to be interacted with as he meets fans around the globe. It just keeps getting better and better and… I want one!

I have been quite excited about Star Wars Rebels. I think it will do a fantastic job of filling in the gaps in the Star Wars story. If it is anything like Star Wars: The Clone Wars (which you should watch if you haven’t), it will actually add depth and context to many of the things that have just never quite made sense in regards to Star Wars…especially with the prequels. This show will also connect with the new trilogy that we will get to start experiencing in 2015. The galaxy of Star Wars will continue to grow with new stories, new depth, new characters, and with this will come new fans. As I’m writing this, Star Wars is really going to do what Tolkien did with all of his Middle Earth stories. It is going to become a galaxy with rules, languages, and a history that all fits together as a part of a bigger puzzle. And Chopper will be one of many pieces in that puzzle, one that I hope to meet someday!

What do you think? Are you excited about the upcoming Star Wars projects? Which one are you most excited about? What do you think of Chopper?

Make it a GREAT day!

  • Mr. DAPs