Tag: previews
Marvel Comics News Digest 3/6 – 3/10/17 Featuring X-Men and Inhumans
The Inhumans Take To The Stars – Your First Look at ROYALS #1! New York, NY—March 6th, 2017 — A myth from the future. A quest to the farthest stars. A legend written across galaxies. This April, the Inhuman royal family departs on an odyssey to save their race in ROYALS #1 – the brand-new…
Marvel Comics News Digest 11/22 – 11/27 2015
After a holiday, it’s nice to see some news for what’s ahead, and especially for comics! This week’s roundup has announcements for Uncanny X-Men and Mockingbird series. Mockingbird is also a beloved character on the TV series Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Also here is a new YouTube series Marvel has launched called Marvel 101. And, don’t…
Marvel Comics News 10/26 – 10/30, 2015
This last week of Marvel Comics news saw a lot of space comics announcements. Venom, Star Lord, and Guardians of Infinity all get a new series. In addition, two of the mainstays get a new outlook on life: Iron Man and Hulk. Hulk has a new human form, and Iron Man goes international with Dr.…