Tag: power man
Marvel Comics News Digest 10/10 – 10/14/16 With Doctor Aphra, Renew Your Vows, and And Ending A Beginning
This week’s Marvel news has quite a bit of previews, like Amazing Spider-Man: Renew Your Vows, Champions #2, a new Star Wars comic, and a big story arc for Power Man and Iron Fist. There’s a Black Widow novel announced, and a new Black Panther comic. Avengers 1.1 looks to offer a new twist to…
Marvel Comics News Digest 1/25-1/29/16
Marvel has some exciting things coming down the pipe! Rebel Jail will be an interesting story arc for the Star Wars comics. Venom: Space Knight will have a storyline highlighting disabled veterans. I applaud Marvel for attempting to tell such a storyline. A preview of the game changing Avengers: Standoff story is here, as well…
Marvel Comics News Oct 5 – 10 2015
Marvel has had another busy week, probably from their participation with NYCC, but also because the All New, All Different Marvel has begun with a few series launch this week. Before getting to some thoughts on a couple of those comics, this digest of news has snippets about Black Widow, Vision (both that I’m excited…
Marvel Comics News September 14 – 20 2015
There is a lot of previews for upcoming series, and I am excited about all of them! Chewbacca is set to premier soon, and looks to be a great solo outing for the beloved Star Wars character. A few Avengers announcements and previews are here, which show off who’s on which team. Extraordinary X-Men has…