Disney magic can be very powerful, especially for a child in the hospital. Seeing Mickey Mouse or Minnie Mouse can brighten the darkest day for a child in their hospital bed. This is a gift that Disney offers around the globe. Recently, Mickey and Minnie stopped by Dieppe Hospital to provide some magic. Read below about this magical day from the team at Disneyland Paris below!
Last September 18, the joyful sound of laughter filled the hallways of the pediatric ward of Dieppe Hospital when Mickey Mouse and Minnie Mouse surprised young patients with a special visit, bringing them much-needed moments of joy and magic!

This awe-inspiring initiative was dreamed up by Dieppe-native Disneyland Paris Ambassador Dylan Legras and his mom Rachel, who happens to be the head of this pediatric ward.

Dylan became a Cast Member at Disneyland Paris in 2013. He first contributed to bringing the magic to life inside the Parks by serving in various guest-facing roles, before becoming the resort’s Ambassador last year – a special title that has given him the opportunity to represent all of the Cast Members of the place where dreams come true. Speaking of dreams coming true, bringing Disney magic to young patients at the hospital where the Cast Member was born 31 years ago was among Dylan and Rachel’s deepest desires. Needless to say, they successfully accomplished their mission, as children’s eyes sparkled with excitement!

Every year, Disneyland Paris hosts hundreds of hospitalized children in its Parks. When children can’t travel, Disney Characters and VoluntEARS are delighted to visit them directly in their pediatric wards to spend magical moments with them. Since 1992, more than 40,000 hospitalized children across France and Europe have had the opportunity to take part in this uplifting experience.