
Disneyland App Updated With No-Show History for Magic Key Holders

The Disneyland app continues to be improved and enhanced. Magic Key holders on May 15th discovered that the app had been updated overnight. This update made many of them happy. It now includes the ability for Magic Key holders to see how many no-shows they have on the park reservation page. Below is a look at what this update in the app looks like:

This is important to Magic Key holders because of the implications of the no-show policy. If a Magic Key holder has 3 no-shows on their park reservations within 90 days, they will then be restricted from making new reservations for 30 days. They also will be unable to modify any existing park reservations during that 30-day window as well.

This update to the Disneyland app does not appear to be reflected on Disneyland.com, currently. However, the app update will be a welcome one for Magic Key holders. Many have wondered about how many no-shows they potentially have. With no way to check this before, it could be a stressful thing. This will undoubtedly increase the happiness of Magic Key holders. Currently, there are several Magic Key levels still available for purchase.

What do you think about this update to the Disneyland app? Is it helpful? Share your thoughts and opinions in the comments below!