Disneyland Paris in the Snow

Disneyland Paris Shows Park Pictures After Snow Falls

There are few things more magical than snow falling on a Disney park, particularly a castle park. This week Disneyland Paris has gotten this magical experience and it is showing pictures from the parks that show some of its icons with snow. It shows how a little touch of winter magic can add an extra dose of magic to some of the most magical places on earth. Check out the photos below!

The entrance to Disneyland Paris and the newly reimagined Disneyland Hotel under a blanket of snow.

Sleeping Beauty Castle is even more beautiful with snow on it and the hills around it.

Guests brave the elements on Main Street after the snow fell on Disneyland Paris.

Adventureland is a different kind of adventure at Disneyland Paris when it snows!

The Pirate Galleon and Pirates of the Caribbean on a snowy day at Disneyland Paris.

A snowy Skull Rock at Disneyland Paris.

Snow in Discoveryland at Disneyland Paris. Apparently it can snow on space… well, Space Mountain… or Hyperspace Mountain currently!

A closer look at a very snowy Hyperspace Mountain at Disneyland Paris.

Big Thunder Mountain on its island and the Rivers of the West look gorgeous after the snowfall at Disneyland Paris.

Another beautiful snowy view of Big Thunder Mountain at Disneyland Paris!

Would you ride on Big Thunder Mountain on a snowy day at Disneyland Paris?

A snowy sign in a snowy land at Disneyland Paris.

Also in Frontierland is a snow covered Phantom Manor!

Disneyland Paris also shared some video of the snow in the park on its Instagram. Check out the video here:

Finally, there is one last photo of Sleeping Beauty Castle in the snow on this beautiful day at Disneyland Paris!

What do you think of these snowy scenes at Disneyland Paris? Which one is your favorite? Have you ever been in a Disney park when it snowed? Share your thoughts, opinions, and experiences in the comments below!