For many families, watching How the Grinch Stole Christmas is an annual tradition. This animated classic introduced the world to You‘re a Mean One, Mr. Grinch, which was sung in the 1966 special by Thurl Ravenscroft. Fast forward multiple decades and a new version of the song has been released. It takes the song into the the Star Trek: The Animated Series era and has Doctor McCoy singing instead of Thurl Ravenscroft.
For the video, creator John C. Worsley had the following description: “The Enterprise’s Doctor McCoy has some animated words for Mr. Spock this Christmas.” Check out You’re a Mean One, Mr. Spock here:
What do you think of this video? What other songs would you like to see the crew of the Enterprise perform in this manner? Share your thoughts and ideas in the comments below! Happy Holidays!