A new show inspired by Walt Disney Animation Studios’ The Little Mermaid is coming to Disney’s Hollywood Studios in 2024. This will be a fully reimagined theatrical production called The Little Mermaid – A Musical Adventure. This new musical will be arriving in a refreshed Animation Courtyard theater in the fall of 2024.
The new show comes as Disney Parks, Experiences and Products continue to invest in the parks. Disney shared that Disney Live Entertainment has been dreaming up innovative ways to “bring new life to the beloved story of Ariel’s journey to be part of the human world.” When it opens next year, there will be new set pieces, cutting-edge special effects, and what promises to be a bold new design to capture Ariel’s imagination and emotions that come through how she views the world around here.
The Little Mermaid – A Musical Adventure will have fan-favorite tunes from the original musical animated feature. This includes Part of Your World, Poor Unfortunate Souls, and others. Kiss the Girl, as seen above, will be a brand new addition to the show. Along with the announcement for The Little Mermaid – A Musical Adventure, Disney shared concept art for this show as well. It specifically shows the Kiss the Girl scene. This shows just a glimpse of the magic that will be found in this new musical show. It also appears to indicate that Sebastian will be brought to life as a puppet and not in human form with a costume. That could all change, however, as this is just concept art.
This new show will be the second telling of this story in the Animation Courtyard theater. Originally Voyage of The Little Mermaid told the tale of Ariel wanting to be part of the human world. This looks like it will be a magical successor to this beloved classic. The original can be seen here:
Work is already well underway on the Animation Courtyard theater. Disney promises that more updates will be coming in the future. What do you think about The Little Mermaid – A Musical Adventure coming to Disney’s Hollywood Studios? Will it be a good addition to Walt Disney World Resort? Share your thoughts and opinions in the comments below!